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Consultancy and Support

Operational Improvement

Diagnostic Support

Finance, workforce and capacity are the three ever present challenges faced by the NHS, with their effects felt nowhere more acutely than in General Practice where the resources to plan how best to navigate them, let alone do anything practical are, at best, limited.


That is where Growth Consulting comes in.  With extensive experience in general practice we bring a fresh quality improvement led perspective that, through working with you and your teams, will identify your priority areas of concern and develop a bespoke plan that delivers actions that will make a tangible difference for you, your teams, your organisation and your patients. 


We believe that lasting change and improvement is built on harnessing the insights and ideas of your teams. By involving them throughout the process your people are more likely to be invested in delivering the actions.


Delivery Support

We know that the NHS is littered with action plans that, despite everyone’s best intentions, have not been fully delivered.  We also recognise that the increasing ‘day job’ workload makes delivering change and improvement even more challenging.


Whether it be on-site or remote, full time or a once a month check-in call, we can support you and your team to deliver the actions.  Whilst we strive to build lasting partnerships with our clients, we aim to make ourselves redundant as consultants by the time we have worked together to address the challenges you have asked us to help you with. 


We see our work as offering a unique opportunity to develop the capability and confidence of you and your teams to successfully tackle similar challenges without us if they arise in the future.

Strategic Development


Too often in the NHS, strategy either does not exist or, where it does, it is developed by a small number of people (or just a single person) with no wider engagement and results in a document that nobody reads and, at best, produces nothing more than a long list of ambitions that do little to address the real challenges faced by the organisation and are rarely delivered because there’s a day job to do.


The importance of developing an effective strategy, however, has never been so critical, particularly in general practice.  Done well, a strategy will provide a roadmap that helps the organisation successfully navigate known and unforeseen challenges.


For us, strategy development is about much more than the final document.  The process of developing the strategy provides just as much, if not more value.  We use creative ways to involve staff from all levels and areas of the organisation as well as other key stakeholder groups in a meaningful way.  The end result is a strategy which connects them to the organisation’s purpose and leads to deliberate, significant, and sustained improvement.


At Growth Consulting we offer a different approach to many consultants – we work with you and your teams to create a strategy that is owned by the organisation and helps make decisions on where you are going, why you are going there and how you are going to get there.

Macro photo of tooth wheel mechanism with IMPLEMENTATION, TEAM, PLAN, GOAL, STRATEGY, IDEA
Wall of ideas

Programme and Project Management


One of the biggest reasons great ideas to improve patient care, staff experience or help the sustainability of primary care providers do not get delivered is, quite simply, the lack of resource and expertise.


Whether you want us to support initial discussions, conduct data analyses in order to identify the potential opportunities, plan how your opportunities will be best delivered, support delivery of what is agreed or manage projects from inception to post implementation review, we can help.


With more than 30 years’ experience of leading projects and programmes of all scopes and sizes, Growth Consulting can work with you and your teams to turn those great ideas into reality.  We have a proven track record in a vast array of projects and programmes including pathway redesign, service development and implementation, culture change, vaccination programme design and delivery, practice mergers and integration and quality improvement.

Subject Matter Specific Support


As well as our ‘core’ services, we can support you across a range of other areas including:



We have expert knowledge of GP premises and the challenges faced with the lack of investment and increased capacity required for ARRS roles.  We have developed and implemented innovative methods for optimising room utilisation that attract ICB funding, developed successful business cases that have been awarded up to £2m in funding and worked with landlords to secure property upgrades.


We have also created multiple PCN Estates strategies that provide a route map for future investment, ensuring when funding for primary care estates is available, you have the basis of the supporting material you require to create your business case.


Business Continuity

Having led the development of the first business continuity management system to achieve BS25999 accreditation, we can work with you to ensure your contingency plans are fit for purpose and optimise the opportunities frequently not considered in practice business continuity plans.  Additionally, we can provide the evidence needed to demonstrate not only that your plans are up to date but that they have also been tested.


ITT Response

With the increased likelihood of future services being tendered, Growth Consulting are able to support your practice or PCN to develop business cases and tender responses that free up time for your teams and increase your chances of securing new opportunities.

Business Meeting

“Simon’s knowledge of what we do, how we do it and why, allied to his focus and clarity of approach makes him stand apart from others. He is organised, willing to share ideas and suggestions, and offers these in a non-confrontational way, listening to others view and taking them on board.”

Get in Touch

Growth Consulting

11 Bluebell Close



NN18 8LZ

07545 967238

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